O*Net Online, Occupational Outlook Handbook and the Bureau of Labor Statistics each offer a wealth of career information on numerous occupations including salary information, projected growth for that job and necessary education level, knowledge, skills and abilities.

JibberJobber helps you manage your relationships. It allows you to track who you have contacted and when you need to do so again. The basic memberships is free. Paying for the service offers additional features.

Quintcareers and JobHunt are useful for general career information, advice and plenty of resources.

If you live in Anne Arundel County, Maryland go to an Anne Arundel One Stop Career Center for free job search help. If you live anywhere else in the US, use this tool to search by zip code or city to find your local workforce development office for free job search assistance.


There are many websites offering free assessments. Below are a few free selections that will give insights into your personality, personal branding efforts and your career interests. It’s a best practice to discuss formal assessments with a career professional to validate them and have a deeper understanding of their meaning. 

Related to the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)  

The sites below provide a result that resembles a Myers Briggs Personality Type (MBTI) preference:

This newer assessment from 16Personalities gives a Myers Briggs type along with an additional characteristic that they have added. The website has a wealth of information and support related to personality types. 

To find your "temperament" you can use the Keirsey Temperament Sorter. This free assessment will suggest your temperament type and brief summary.

To find a Myers Briggs type code click on this link and then choose the Free Jung Typology Career Indicator. This free assessment will suggest your type and a brief explanation of what that means.

Related to Personal Branding

Standout Assessment -This newer assessment was developed by Marcus Buckingham, the creator of StrengthsFinder. It helps with personal branding by distilling your style and strengths into the top two traits (out of nine) that make you stand out.  The detailed report explains what you do best and suggestions to maximize these strengths.  It came out around the start of COVID and has been free since the first day it was launched.

360 REACH - This useful tool to uncover your personal branding characteristics was developed by William Arruda, the pioneer of personal branding.  The assessment is free but there are upgrades that have a fee.  The process involves you asking others to complete a survey within fourteen days.  Start thinking about who you would want to ask and collect emails.  Also, to get more out of it, you may seek out a professional certified in this assessment to help you fully interpret it.  

Related to Interests (can be known as your Holland Code)

The U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL) has created a free assessment to uncover your Holland Code.  It’s called the Interest Profiler  and it is based on the framework of a Holland Code.  A Holland Code can be any arrangement of three out of six letters (R,I,A,S,E,C).  

If you want to assess your transferable skills or workplace values, download one of the worksheets in the section below.


These worksheets are available for download through Brand Career Management

Uncover Your Work Values

Assess Your Skills


This document shares additional sources for learning more about using LinkedIn for job search and career management purposes.  Resources for learning more about LinkedIn


The Essential Guide to Career Certifications

This is an electronic resource listing 50+ certifications in the career industry. As a gift to colleagues, I have made it accessible here. The data is from 2017 and no future updates are planned. It is copyrighted material, so please give credit to Paula Brand or Brand Career Management if the information is copied

Interested in becoming a Global Career Development Facilitator (GCDF)?

You can find information about FCD training at the National Career Development Association

Later you must register with the Center for Credentialing and Education (CCE) to become a GFCD.



Are you ready to share your brand with others, I now have an affiliate relationship with Career Brand Videos.

A few colleagues created Career Brand Videos which provide three high-quality and very short videos to express your brand. There are a variety of options, but each customer receives three videos. I have shared my results so you can see what they look like. One is for being a subject matter expert (SME), one shows your personality, and one shares testimonials. I was very impressed with this service and would recommend it to other business owners, job seekers, and those who care about managing their brand.

If you would like to learn more visit this link.

If you are ready to purchase your 3 Branding videos click here to go straight to the cart.

If you use these links, I will receive a small percentage of the sale (thanks for your generosity).